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Managing Dual Club Members
Useful Tips from Bethany Richard, DTM, D29, 2020
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Dear Club VPE/BCMs, Congratulations!

You may have a member in your club who is part of the 5% of members in the world who is also in another club. Do you know who they are? They add an extra level of complexity (read as “opportunity to learn”) to your job and reaching your club goals. That is why I wrote this, to help you and them.

– Vice President of Education for a Club, the main teacher/tracker/approver of club member Pathways levels,

Base Camp – Online program where member transcripts and online learning are found.

Base Camp Managers (BCM) – Club President, Secretary, VPE. All three have access to manage/view/approve basecamp progress of club members. Usually the VPE does all the BCM work (so I often say VPE when the other two could do the job). I recommend all three learn how to do this, since VPE should not approve her/his own educational levels.

Level Completion – VPE can track online learning of club members by logging into basecamp and refreshing the data to see what online learning has been accessed. VPE also tracks projects completed in club to know member progress and next steps. Ideally the online learning and projects in club should both be progressing and nearly match. If one happens without the other – the member may need help. VPE may assist member by clarifying next steps to complete a level.
Required vs Elective Path Projects – The required projects must be done to complete a level. A specified minimum number of elective projects are required to complete the level, although the member may do more if they so desire. True story: In June a member on Level three had completed the required and two elective projects and I asked her if she’d like to complete her level for that year – all she’d need to do was click to ask for level approval. She was surprised. She thought she had to do all the electives (eight or so) and anticipated months to complete the level if I, her VPE, had not told her.
Level Completion Approval – When a member completes online learning for a level, the BCM (or other specified as the Find a Club address) receives an email requesting level approval. Trust but verify. Do not approve automatically. Check your records, did they do the projects? If in doubt, contact them. They may have spoken in other clubs or work venues (and have the evaluations), or they may have just clicked thru learning in error.  Once a path completion is approved in B ase Camp (that’s step one),  remember to
do step two and go to Club Central. Note: A dual member does not have to have the Level Completion Approval by their “Home club” and the claiming for a club DCP in Club Central done by the same club – although that is simplest.

Club Officers – The seven club officers (Pres, Sec, VPE, VPPR, VPM, Tres, SAA) all have access to Club Central after logging into the Toastmasters International website.
Club Central – This access into club records and function allows the club officers to do their jobs. For example: add new members, pay dues to TI, change club contact information, … and to claim educational levels (completed by club members) for their particular club. It is vital, especially with dual members, to be absolutely clear what levels were completed and that they are to be credited to this club rather than another club. Warning: Club Central does not interface/communicate with Pathways software. Club Central has member paths associated with member numbers and Club Central will list the next level of the path. Click and claim. But you could click and claim multiple levels in error! There is no safeguard but your knowledge and your integrity. Notice: A member will not see the new award in their TI record, nor listed after their name, until it is claimed in Club Central by some club officer.
Dual Members – Toastmasters who are members of more than one club at a time. As of 2018 only 5% of members worldwide were dual members. Our D29 in Northern Virginia has a higher percentage, and some members are even in 3-4 clubs and/or multiple districts since D27, D29, and D36 are so close to one another.
Who “owns” a Path – The Toastmaster owns her/his educational path(s). They do not have to dedicate a path to a particular club. They may add clubs, drop clubs, step in and out of Toastmasters over the years – and their path stays with them. Most are in only one club at a time and that club gets their DCP credit thru Club Central. The dual member chooses which club may have DCP credit – and I hope they are a bit strategic about it. (See the last bullet in the description of DCP)
Home Club – This sounds set in stone, it is not, it’s carved in Jell-O. If a member is in one club, that is their home club. If they are a dual member, then they can change their Home club every hour if they wish – here is how: TI lists a home club above the member’s “go to base camp” button. That has a drop down that will list all their clubs (I have four) and that member can pick any of their clubs as their home club. It does not affect the member’s access to their own transcript and education. Some dual members change their home club weekly to match the next upcoming club meeting. BUT, if your club member designates another club as home club, then you cannot see them in basecamp with the other club members – they disappear from your view! …. Until they switch Home club back to your club. So, VPE, remind your dual member to switch their Home club to the one club they want to be able to see the Level Completion Request email from TI.
DCP – Distinguished Club Program. A ten-point system to focus a club on multiple areas of success. Six of these points are for club members completing educational levels.
DCP Rules – In order for a club to be distinguished:
  • It must meet minimum membership numbers and earn at least 5 points in a Toastmaster year.
  • 5 or 6 points is Distinguished, 7 or 8 pts is Select Distinguished, 9 or 10 pts is President’s Distinguished.
  • The Toastmaster year runs July 1 thru the following June 30th.
  • The club must have at least 20 members in good standing on June 30 -or- five more than their base membership the previous year. (so, if they end last year with 12 members, then they need at least 17 by the end of this year (12+5=17).
  • A club may have DCP credit for only one of each educational level per member per Toastmaster year. Path is not important here, only the level. So I can give Club A a PM1, a MS2, and a DL4 all in the same year (remember Path does not matter here; I gave a Level 1, 2, and 4) but the club can’t have credit for both a PM1 and a MS1 from me in the same year. So, I would give one of the Level 1s to a different one of my clubs. In fact, I would be strategic, especially at the end of the year, to distribute my new educational levels where they are most likely to complete a point – as in a club that already has 3 other member’s Level 1s , because it takes four Level 1s to complete the point.
Alert: Make sure that every member education level that was approved in Base Camp, is also claimed in Club Central by some club. These are two separate actions. Also note, if a member is only in one club and earns two different Level 1s – go claim them in Club Central. Sure, your club will only get credit for one Level 1 from the member that year, but the member’s TI record will reflect both of their achievements. This is about the members!
Dashboard – A Toastmasters International website DCP status board for your entire district, accessed thru Club Central or other link.

Daily Reports – Access the Dashboard, click on Daily Reports in the left column, and get a list of accessible data. Educational Achievements (current year) is my favorite to sort by club and check that all the earned educational achievements by my club members were claimed in Club Central and therefore show up in this list. If one is missing, maybe it was not claimed. You would hate to miss being a distinguished club because you forgot the Club Central step. You can also click on the names column to sort and check on your dual members credits to various clubs.
Educational Designations – TI’s records will only list your single most recent educational level after your name in their records unless you are a DTM – then it will always say DTM. That’s their system rule online.
  • You are welcome to list all your past and current awards on club websites, nametags, and protocol lists. So you may be: Geniva Smith, MS4 SR3 or Joseph Sura, CC DL1 Although technically nothing is added to DTM, some DTMs are temporarily/informally adding Pathways designations in these early years to show that they are staying current and progressing in Pathways.
  • A completed path is written with a “5” but pronounced as “proficient”. So, you would write: Coral Justice, PM5 and you would announce “Coral Justice, Presentation Mastery Proficient”. (I got this clarification straight from Toastmasters International Headquarters this month.)
Notice (again): Approval in Pathways Basecamp IS COMPLETELY INDEPENDENT OF Claiming in Club Central for DCP.
Tips for members of more than one club: Track your own education. Keep a virtual or physical file of evaluations.

When you are going to complete a level, I recommend:

  1. Go into your profile on Toastmasters website to pick a Home club to receive the email from TI to approve your Level Completion Request. (I choose the one I know is most responsive, that I know will get to the approval quickly).

  2. Complete the level, and then keep that same Home club until you know the approval is complete (a matter of hours or days). Remember, your education/path(s) is invisible to any club not currently designated as your Home club.

  3. Immediately email/call the VPE(s) to alert them to the level completion (the email may go to their junk mail) and to clarify any completed projects/speeches that the VPE may not have seen. You may have spoken in another club or the VPE may have missed a club meeting when you spoke.

  4. You may choose to update all your VPEs when you achieve a level so that they know and can celebrate/recognize the achievement – Note: Be very clear which club will have your new educational level for their DCP.

DCP Strategy for Dual Members – Take care of your regular club before your advanced club. Consider the status of the Dashboard and where your award will make the most difference to the club’s status.
True story: I had an occasion (2018) when I completed a Level 1 and Club A claimed it in Club Central for DCP (good), and Club B looked in their Club Central, saw a Level 2 (the next level on my path) and so they claimed it (very bad!) At that time TI could not “undo” the Level 2 so I dug deep and actually completed the Level 2 within a month (multiple clubs). I did not like that accidental hit on my integrity and strove to fix it.
Dual Members: Help your VPE/BCM by giving them these sheets. You are an extra challenge for them.


Designed by Frank Storey, DTM :: District 18 :: Linthicum, MD :: 410.850-5728 :: fstorey1943@gmail.com